Tag Archives: Maine
The call of the elver, eel fishing in Maine rivers.
Dim shapes move back and forth along the banks of the river, distorted by the wavering light of kerosene lanterns. Moonlight shines on a crowd of gauzy structures supported by bits of twine. Nets and tents are illuminated from the lamps inside, and a bonfire is sending neon orange sparks into the sky. This is […]
Samphire, seepweed and seaside salad.
Samphire, seepweed and seaside salad, that’s a tongue twister, and after a samphire-Sapphire adult concoction, I prefer to savor the flavor of these Maine edible plants instead of trying to say them. Samphire is a lyrical word for an earthy and salty edible plant that grows along the seaside. It frequently keeps company with […]
Cranberries in March? Yes, it’s the best time to pick.
We went cranberrying in Northeast Creek in November, but did not get many. It was a banner year for cranberries, too. All my fellow foragers and gatherers were telling tales of over a dozen gallons, and easy picking. But I needed cranberries for the holidays, so gave up hunting, and went to Snugglemagic Farm pick-your-own […]
Yes, it’s still winter, so what? Living in the season
On your mark, get set, write
summer sumac ade
With vivid red berries and exotic leaves, staghorn sumac is distinct and recognizable along the roadside. My dad, who had solar hot water in the 70’s, collected wild onion, kept a few chickens and was generally up for what was called “back to the earth” stuff, would point out the dark-red sumac fruit. “Loaded with […]