Tag Archives: Maine winters
A Tale of Winter in the 1950s
Winter in the 1950’s: Ice-fishing and pulp wood hauling
Yes, it’s cold, but you don’t have to be
It’s here, the cold, the crisp, the invigorating single digit weather that is a Maine trademark. The projected temperatures for this weekend indicate a big chill, and you can hunker down with warm slippers and a good book, or get out there and embrace the cold. Reveling in it is my choice, and I grab […]
Four studs and I’m a happy lady.
February is not the most rewarding season for harvesting wild foods. Most green things are dormant or deep beneath snow or ice. Snipping early wild pea shoots in spring and picking pears in fall is easy. Winter foraging requires a tougher constitution. Picking blueberries on a summer day is easy. Driving onto a pond to […]