Category Archives: recipes
Rabbit hunting and other village tales
Winter warming drinks. Kick it up a notch from your mom’s hot chocolate
Appleloosa: The Year of the Apple
Red apples and golden yellow, apples that are pink with stripes, green with tan specks, and blushing rose. Small cherry-sized bitter-fruited apples, mammoth thick- skinned pie apples. Apples to eat, apples to store for the winter, apples to make ciders and sauce—this is the year of the apple. Trees are loaded with fruit, so big […]
Meet the Bar Man
“Do you know what that is?” Ernie Haskell Brooks asks, stroking his hand over a thick butcher-block counter top. “Cutting board” I respond, wondering if it is a trick question. He is pleased as he shakes his head. “A queen-size head board,” he answers. The massive slab of wood, now mellowed with oil and cut […]
Samphire, seepweed and seaside salad.
Samphire, seepweed and seaside salad, that’s a tongue twister, and after a samphire-Sapphire adult concoction, I prefer to savor the flavor of these Maine edible plants instead of trying to say them. Samphire is a lyrical word for an earthy and salty edible plant that grows along the seaside. It frequently keeps company with […]